Lay Lay

Lay Lay came to Starfish Project after working in a brothel. She was recently promoted to our Finished Products Inventory Manager! Lay Lay has her Microsoft Word and Excel certifications and now she is working toward Microsoft Outlook. You can contribute toward a new computer that Lay Lay will use to study and work.

Go to help #educateHer.

You can read her full Story of Hope below:

Starfish Project’s outreach teams met me when I was working in the brothels. When I first arrived, I lived in the shelter for a short time. I liked it there because it was similar to living in a family setting. Today, I live with my husband and my son. I also have an adult daughter who no longer lives at home.


I started working on the production team at Starfish Project, but today my job is to inspect the finish products and organize them. I make sure they are up to our standard and have no flaws. I also really like to wear the jewelry we make!


One of the things I enjoy most is the training Starfish Project provides. I have been taking computer and math courses and have enjoyed the process of learning. So far I have earned my Microsoft Word and Excel Certifications. I look forward to getting my Outlook certification and taking math classes. In the past I didn’t have opportunities to learn so I feel very fortunate to have the opportunities that I have at Starfish Project.


I feel like I am capable of growing personally and professionally because of the open environment. I can ask anyone if I have any questions and it is helpful to have people around to study with. The fact that our boss treats us like family is very significant to me as well. I love that we celebrate each person’s birthday every year!

#educateHer #education #empowerwomen #restorehope #endtrafficking#starfishproject

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